Ballistic Quick Drop Door
QUICK DROP DOOR (QDB) A new concept for better protection against shootings, forced entry and bomb blasts.
Since 2021, we have been working on a Quick Drop Ballistic Door that is slated for protecting against ballistic forces, as well as bomb blasts and forced entry situations.
The need was first shared with us by a security professional with decades of experience in the physical security industry. He stated that there is a need for some sort of door that could rapidly drop down and provide ballistic protection in the event of a security crisis; this would have been very useful in the case such as the Capitol Riot. This product could revolutionize the opportunities in elevating the security for places of worship, schools, banks, high-end department stores, data centers….and the list goes on!

One prime example we can think of is in the case of an active shooter situation at a school: In the sad event of an active shooter rampage, a security officer could simply flip the emergency switches that would remotely close down entire areas of the building. These doors could even be placed in strategic locations that could potentially lock an active shooter in-between two drop doors; effectively trapping him entirely. This would literally imprison the shooter for a substantial amount of time, giving the police force or swat team plenty of time to apprehend him.
For certain architectural landmarks such as the Capital Building, etc. these doors could be installed into the ceilings, which would provide “out of site, our of mind” protection for the unfortunate case that they would be needed. This element will be a huge benefit to the period architecture that must be maintained in those cases.

This roll-up style door is currently in it’s third round of testing, and production could be early 2023. We are excited to be offering this patent pending, new concept of ballistic protection to a world that needs it!