Bullet Resistant Fence that Stops a .50Cal Armor Piercing Round

Get ready for the safest fence on earth!
In December, we had a request for a Bullet Resistant Fence that stops a .50cal FMJ. Our Class 1 Bullet Resistant Fence UL-752 Level 1,2,3,an 6, which includes 9mm, .35, .44 plus 12ga. Supplementary #00 buckshot. Class 2 Bullet Resistant Fence is documented for Level 4,5,7, and 8, plus 12 ga. Slug.
We had prototypes build for Class 3 Bullet resistant Fence, designed for UL-752 Level 9 30-06 Armor Piercing, and Level 10 .50CAL 709 gr. FMJ.
So we scheduled testing for Class 3 Bullet Resistant Fence, and our 1 prototype was successful for 30-06 AP and .50 CAL armor piercing. Then, for the fun of it we tested .50CAL armor piercing and .50CAL Hornady Bullets. Every Bullet was stopped by our Class 3 Bullet Resistant Fence prototype! We were thrilled!
Since then, we have gone through official testing with the Class 3 Bullet Resistant fence at NTS testing. Tests were shot at 5 yards. This gave us some more insights on additional engineering and design. We are currently completing wind load engineering on this Class 3 Bullet Resistant Fence for 16ft tall panels!
We will also be engineering our Class 2 and Class 3 for crash resistance rating H50-P1 which stops 65,000lbs going at 50 miles per hour. Accomplishing this, in combination with the inherent anti-climb, anti-cut, and anti-breach attributes, should make this bullet resistant fence the safest fence in the world!