Level 3 Fence Dominates V50 Test!!
For documentation purposes, we wanted to run a V-50 on our Level 3 bullet resistant fence. And, to our pleasant surprise… we couldn’t make it!
What is a V-50 test? A V50 test is where 50% of shots penetrate completely thought a test piece, and 50% of shots do not penetrate. This data is gathered by starting at a given velocity and continually increasing the velocity until the appropriate number of stops/breaches are made. The velocities are then averaged out which provides critical data and the velocity at which the piece is considered to be at a critical breach point.
Our Test:
The test was done with .44 semi-wadcutter bullets, shot into our Level 3 bullet resistant fence. The bullet velocity was increased or decreased by the amount of gun powder that was loaded into the shell. (Gun powder is measured to the gram, and as tiny as one grain of powder can create a difference in velocity.)

We started the V-50 test at a reasonable UL standard velocity, but as we climbed in velocity we realized that we might not be able to get V-50 results; the panel just kept stopping the bullets! The .44 is standardly a handgun ammo… but since we were at a specialty lab, we were able to go much higher in velocity than any handgun on the market. So, in the attempt to gain a V-50, we continued to shoot at rates so fast that if it were to be chambered in a handgun it would be at risk of blowing up in the shooter’s hand. We eventually reached the max velocity of the custom gun barrel… and accomplishing few breaches.
The UL-752 Standard spec for a 240 grain semi-wadcutter bullet is a velocity of 1350 to 1485ft per second. We managed to pump these bullets out at almost 2,000 ft per second, with few complete penetrations! This means that our Level 3 bullet resistant fence is so well engineered to protect, it has the capability to stop its top threat at velocities 35% faster then the UL-752 standards!
This test only affirms that our Level 3 ballistic fence not only provides beauty and an aesthetic that is deceitfully discrete, but it also is superior in the protection it provides!
Need protection for a school, place of worship, day care, government building, etc? Contact us!