Substation attacks- A NEED for Protection!
Substation attacks have drastically escalated in the last 60 days. Energy utility companies, municipalities, and cities are in a high frenzy as what was considered a low threat is now an extremely high threat.

Here at Bullistic Barriers, we have been hearing rumblings of this elevated threat for years. We started doing in-house research on a few initiatives:
- Developed a Level 10 bullet resistant fence to stop a .50CAL armor piercing round utilizing a “softer” material to limit damage from ricochet that would be present in steel or concrete.
- Created a louver panel design that provides full ballistic protection, yet allows for reduced wind load pressures and increased air ventilation. This is especially critical when dealing with the risk of high temperatures around critical infrastructure and/or when establishing fences that are abnormally tall in high wind locations.
- Designed and installed bullet resistant driveway gates to allow for needed access points.
- Researched and Designed crash barriers for elevated security.
- Designed and created grounding connections for panels and posts with optimal results to protect against stay voltage.

So, in a sense, we have been preparing for this threat for years. As George Settle, my Executive Assistant, says, “People are not getting any less crazy these days”. What is mind boggling is that a coordinated attack using hundreds of dollars of ammunition could do millions of dollars of direct damage by strategically taking out multiple transformers. And, by taking out certain transformers simultaneously, our entire electrical grid could be significantly crippled which would effectively bring our national economy to a holt. This would equate to BILLIONS of dollars in losses!

We are receiving inquiries for Level 10 fence practically every day…and rightfully so! A .50CAL rifle can be purchased fairly easily and can be used to take out critical infrastructure. It is agreeably prudent to prepare for the highest-level threat, and security professionals are leaving no stones unturned to take fast action.
What we see as being a significant challenge in serving these needs is not the “know how” but the is that raw materials have not reached the pre-Covid level of inventory. We see bullet-resistant fence enduring an unprecedented spike in demand s threat assessments are completed and vulnerable sites are addressed as quickly as possible.