ISC West was held in Las Vegas on March 29th-31st , and showcased the latest in security products. Robotic security dogs, active shooter alerts, automatic video cameras, and various forms of perimeter protection were all gathered under one roof to confront head-on the security threats we see worldwide!
Our bullet resistant fence and ballistic garage doors were especially a hot spot on the show floor, attracting many people’s attention; from gun enthusiasts to security professionals. They wanted to view the bullet holes in the Level 3 fence, and then compare them to the bullet holes in our level 8 fence. The real WOW factor on the bullet resistant fence side was the 50 caliber armor piercing round. It was shot at 5 yards into our Level 10 Bullet resistant fence. That .50 caliber AP bullet was going over 3000 FPS,(over 2000 MPH) and by the time the tungsten carbide peaked though the back edge of the fence, it stopped!
Another huge attraction was the Violentum garage door. These doors that we had at the booth had been shot up with 9MM and .44 rounds. This did attract attention, but what really caught people’s attention was the fact that this product could stop so much more! This product is also forced entry resistant, explosion resistant, and crash resistant! And, with the Violentum garage door being a fraction of the weight and a fraction of the cost as other ballistic resistant garage doors, this product line has the potential to open up opportunities for millions of users all over the world!