Forced Entry Testing- Violentum Garage Doors
As we created our Violentum Bullet resistant garage door, we had an obvious awareness to the reality that these doors must withstand the brute force from attackers and Forced Entries; something that most garage doors have little to no protection from. And, from all other threats out there, the forced entry test was something that would be the greatest value to the everyday luxury car collector and other security minded individuals.
In incorporating forced entry protection into our Violentum Bullet Resistant garage door, it required us to look deeper into the structure of the door: the locks, hinges, rollers, etc. The Forced entry test standard from the State Department requires a 6-man team with a host of tools at their disposal. Starting with a 120 lb two-man ram, sledgehammer, axe, long crowbars and picks.

After our bullet resistant garage door prototype had been explosion tested (resulting in minimal damage), we had a team of garage door professionals do a forced entry test. They put four men on the two-man ram and had a man swing the axe to try to tear through the door. With their insider knowledge of garage doors, they were able to breach this bullet resistant garage door in 17 minutes in this informal test. This means we have informally passed two levels of the state department standards; the 5 minute and the 15 minute.
This was great data, as this means our basic Violentum door (known now as Violentum III Level 3) can stop three different threats of violence: Shootings, bombs, and break-ins! And the best part…This model door is extremely affordable, costing just under $30,000! A perfectly affordable price for millions of luxury car collectors and other security minded individuals.
We still have more to test in the forced entry arena, but based on our results on our first tests, we know that our strongest door, Violentum IV Level 8, will easily rate for a 60+ min forced entry rating!