Violentum III Level 3 Explosion Testing
In our research of creating the Violentum Garage Doors, we identified other threats that our doors need to protect from. One of those threats were from bombs/ explosions; a threat that has become very real in an ever-volatile world.
We started researching explosion testing techniques on our bullet resistant garage doors, and we found very little available knowledge on explosion data; especially as it relates to informal testing on a brand new product! But with persistence, we were able to develop a method of doing Blast pressure testing in order to give us a starting point for pressures that our bullet resistant garage door could withstand.
We started off by purchasing pressure sensors and equipment from PCB electronics for a way to measure blast pressures. Then we set off Tannerite to see what kind of pressures we should expect to be able to withstand on our garage doors. We had pressures up to 16psi in that first round of testing; and this level of psi did not seem to phase the door whatsoever!

So, for even more data, we hired a PA certified Blaster to set off military grade C4 in front of our bullet resistant doors. We did numerous explosions and got pressures up to 30psi readings on our lowest rated door (Violentum III Level 3), and it still created minimal damage!
From the testing we have done up to this point, and having only tested our weakest door, it is safe to say that we are just scratching the surface when it comes to how much these doors can handle when it comes to bombs and explosives!
DON’T STOP HERE! Read about the Forced Entry testing we have done on these doors!